Who We Work With:
PAs/ NPs
Podiatrists (DPM)
Chiropractors (DC)
Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASC)
Urgent Care Facilities
Clinical Laboratories
Sleep Labs
Dentists/ Orthodontists
Behavioral Health Providers
Many More
What Enrollment and Physician Credentialing Services We Help With:
Commercial Insurance Provider Enrollment and Credentialing (ie. Aetna, Anthem, BCBS,CIGNA, TriCare, Humana, UnitedHealthcare, Many More!)
Medicare and Medicaid Provider Enrollment and Credentialing
Medicare and Medicaid Re-validation, Validations, License Updates
CAQH Registration
NPI Registration (Type I and Type II)
Reimbursement Issues
Managed Care Contracting Issues
Hospital Privileging
Why Use Xcel Medical Solutions?
We save you on average at least 2 months of time and over 100 or more hours of work!
Take away all the headaches due to the mounds of paperwork and endless applications!
Get paid by insurance companies faster!
Contracts and applications are setup right the first time and we will not stop until the process is 100% completed!
Dedicated project manager assigned to your project!
We make all the phone calls, follow-ups, and submit all applications, e-mails and faxes for you!
We can handle any amount of volume you have!
What you get with our Provider Enrollment and Physician Credentialing services:
An “All Purpose” credentialing manager to represent you with commercial and government payers.
We complete all applications and necessary paperwork on your behalf with the chosen payer networks and government entities.
Status reports so you know where you are in the process with each payer.
Maintain and update CAQH profile or ADA profile.
Complete all necessary credentialing requirements for each payer and follow through to completion.
Follow all payer contracts through to contract load date and provide copy of fully executed contract and fee schedules to your practice or billing company.